Bark, Mulch – Delivery & Installation

Delivery and Installation of Premium Utah Natural Forest Mulch

Natural Forest Mulch

Sourced from lumber yards harvesting Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir. This naturally colored mulch lasts multiple seasons and holds together on windy days.

Black Forest Mulch

High contrasting black mulch looks amazing near white homes and in flower beds surrounded by sod. Holds together well due to it’s shredded texture.

Playground Chips

Chemically treated with non-toxic products to eliminate splintering. Great for playgrounds and swing set areas.

Large Bark

Bark stripped from the exterior of the tree is naturally colored and has a unique texture. Stays put in windy areas. Common in commercial areas.

Small Bark

Small version of bark chips that offers a different texture compared to the large bark and mulches. Natural color means the pieces won’t fade over winter.

Brown Mulch

A touch lighter than our black mulch option if you are looking for a chocolate option.